Max Speed Aprilia RS 125 Super powerfull and Fast

The Aprilia RS 125 max speed depends on a few things. Whether or not your bike has been de-restricted is going to make the biggest difference as a de-restricted bike gets more than twice the power of the learner-legal model. In addition to the bike's power output, the rider's weight is a big factor and your choice of sprockets and performance modifications will also have a part to play in your top speed.

De-restricting your bike is the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to increase your top speed. A restricted bike gets around 70mph and de-restricted you'll be looking at about 100mph. This is only legal if you have passed your test though and you have to inform your insurance company if you want to stay legal.

2010 Aprilia RS125 Picture2010 Aprilia RS125 Picture
Over the years, the RS 125 has forged a reputation as the standard setter for sports 125’s. Sales success has come naturally too, with the RS 125 topping the sales tables on major European markets. The RS 125 is the inevitable choice of riders entering Sport Production racing. And rightly so, because when the competition gets tough, there is simply no other bike like the Aprilia RS 125. The Aprilia RS 125 offers young riders the best in components and equipment, and a concentration of technical refinements worthy of a flagship supersport.
2010 Aprilia RS125 Sport Bike2010 Aprilia RS125 Sport Bike

2010 Aprilia RS125 Red Black Edition2010 Aprilia RS125 Red Black Edition

2010 Aprilia RS125 White Color2010 Aprilia RS125 White Color

2010 Aprilia RS125 Black Series